Zoologist or Wildlife Biologist Career
The main task of the zoologist is to identify mechanisms that affect nature as negative factors. They find out the reasons and find ways to stop the extinction of certain species. Zoologists participate in the creation of reserves, park areas, where rare representatives of the natural fauna live.
Zoology is a science originating from the era of Ancient Greece. It is known that Aristotle was one of the first works devoted to the animal kingdom. Interest in this area did not fade in the Middle Ages: people continued to study the habits and characteristics of both wild and domesticated animals. Since the XVIII century, the study of our smaller brothers has become more serious and scientific, the first microscopes appeared, the previously accumulated knowledge began to be systematized.
These experts visit different countries and continents, studying the animal world. The work of a zoologist is complex and dangerous. They conduct research and systematize the information received. After which the results of their work are used in medicine, pharmaceuticals and other fields. This work is directly related to expeditions and travels on the planet.
To clearly understand where to put certifications on resume, consider the list of duties of a zoologist:
- Carrying out research in order to detect the behavior of various animals in a variety of conditions. They must collect specific data on their nutrition and reproduction. Also, experts find out how useful and safe animals are for humans.
- They must prepare research papers, write articles and other materials.
- Zoologists should consult with representatives of similar fields of activity. These are doctors, veterinarians and other specialists.
- Specialists need to participate in the organization of measures to protect certain types of animals.
- Zoologists control the environmental conditions where various species of animal fauna live.
- Such professionals should be able to handle professional equipment for video and photo shooting.
- They must be able to process the data obtained in special laboratories.
Also, zoologists need to attend various symposia and seminars to improve professional knowledge. This will increase your own income and will be a good achievement, which can be added to the resume. Also, when creating a resume, keep in mind that it is better to duplicate it. If you still can not decide on the format of the resume, here is a detailed article https://resumesbot.com/resume-pdf-or-doc-choose-the-best-file-format-for-your-resume/ Here you will find a lot useful information.
Zoologists can achieve world recognition by making significant discoveries in their field of activity. If you decide to study for a specialist in this profession, easily go to college at a budget place. The competition here is low. But the job is dangerous, especially if you are doing wildlife research in the wild.

Features of the profession
The work of a zoologist often takes place in the field, where the animal species of interest resides. For their activities, specialists should be able to use modern technology for photographing or making video and sound recordings. In addition, the zoologist can engage in laboratory experiments, participate in local or international programs to study the life and behavior of animals. To do this, he needs to be able to use laboratory tools and instruments, to know foreign languages. Due to the fact that the work of the zoologist proceeds in direct contact with animals, this profession has a certain risk. Animals are often carriers of such dangerous viruses for humans as bird flu or mad cow disease, therefore, a specialist should be as careful as possible and strictly follow safety rules. What is the name of a specialist zoologist who studies beetles? In zoology, many highly specialized sections, usually divided by animal kingdom.
There are the following narrow specializations of this profession:
- ichthyologists (study fish);
- arachnologists (study arachnids);
- malacologists (study mollusks and soft-bodied invertebrates);
- bird watchers (study birds);
- herpetologists (study reptiles and reptiles), etc.
- Specialists-zoologists who deal with bugs, flies and other insects are called entomologists (from the ancient Greek “entomos” – an insect).
Requirements for the personal qualities of a zoologist
In order for the profession to bring not only money, but also pleasure, it is worth following the call of the heart and find in yourself the qualities that will speak of professional suitability. For a specialist in zoology, they are as follows:
- Love for the animal kingdom;
- Interest in the natural sciences;
- Curiosity;
- Increased level of attention;
- The desire for new discoveries;
- The desire to preserve populations of endangered animals.
Zoologist’s knowledge requirements
A qualified specialist must possess the following set of professional knowledge:
- Have excellent knowledge in the anatomy of various species of the animal world;
- Know the physiology of all types of animals studied;
- Items such as obstetrics, veterinary medicine, and biology are important;
It is excellent to know the rules of labor protection in working with animals. The requirements are strict, but otherwise in this profession it is impossible.
Place of work
Any specialist who has gained good knowledge can easily find a job. Employees with a lot of knowledge are in demand in government institutions and in the commercial sector. It can be:
- Research centers.
- Organization for the protection of natural resources.
- National reserves.
- Private parks.
- Profile specialized laboratories.
- Medical and pharmacological centers.
The work of specialists in this field is not office. You must have stamina and good nerves. Naturally, such people are very fond of nature and wildlife.
The Tapir
Fact Sheet
- Classified as endangered species
- there closes relatives include horses and rhinos
- They are about 7 feet long and 3 feet high
- weigh about 300 to 700 pounds
- The natural lifespan is 25 to 30 years
- The female give birth to a single youngster after about 13 months
- The females can give birth every two years
- They live solitary lives
- They are able to sink to the bottom of the riverbed and walk across it looking for soft vegetation
- Tapirs are shy and rather avoid human communication unless they feel threaten on rare occasions they will attack
A tapir is a large browsing mammal, similar in shape to a pig, with a short, prehensile snout. Tapirs inhabit jungle and forest regions of South America, Central America, and Southeast Asia. The four species of tapirs are the Brazilian tapir, the Malayan tapir, Baird’s tapir and the mountain tapir. All four are classified as endangered or vulnerable. Their closest relatives are the other odd-toed ungulates, including horses and rhinoceroses.
Coconut Crab
Fact Sheet
- They can weight up to 9.0 pounds
- Growing about 3 feet and 3 inches in length
- Species of hermit crab
- Found on islands across the Indian ocean and some of the Pacific Ocean
- The only species of the genus Birgus in relation to the hermit crab
- Except as larvae Coconut crabs aren’t able to swim
- They eat fleshy fruits and occasionally organic materials
These Crabs can live for about 60 years.They have been reported to climb trees to crack coconuts although coconuts are not a specific part of their diet. One crab was reported killing and eating a Polynesian rat. They have been seen climbing up to 33 feet high to gather coconuts and cracking them on the ground with their strong claws.
During the day Coconut crabs stay hidden to reduce the water loss from the heat, their borrows contains fine yet strong fibers from the coconut husks in which they use as bedding. While resting in its burrow they coconut crab uses one of its claws to close the entrance to create a moist burrow for it’s breathing organs.
Rare footage of a goblin shark
Fact sheet
- Listed as critically endangered due to chronic long term and rapid short term declines
- One of three crocodilians native to india
- It is longer then other living crocodilians
- The average adult size is 11 to 15 feet although the largest on record was 20 feet
- They reside in rivers
- They feed on fish and frogs because their jaws are to small for larger prey
We poss more of a threat to these creatures then they do to us. With the population declining to about 96%, The Indian government accorded protection for these creatures under the wildlife protection ACT in 1972, Their are only 200-300 breeding adults in the world.
Males mature at the age of 13, their mating cause consist of hissing and buzzing noises.Females let the males knows they are ready to mate by raising their snout. Mating usually occurs during the months of December and January.They nest in March and April. During the dry season in India. Females lay about 20 to 30 eggs in a hole 20 to 24 inches deep. After about 71 to 93 days or incubation these eggs are ready to hatch with the help of their mother.
During their youth however the mother must guard the young from predators such as the male Gharial’s. Other females will help with the raising of the young.
The Blue Dragon AKA Glaucus Atlanticus
The Fact sheet
- This is a sea species of sea slug
- And is closely related to Glaucus Marginatus
- Feeds on other pelagic creatures of the sea
- They have a very painful sting when handling these creatures, Built into its own tissue from the cnidarian
- Grows up to 3 cm in length
- Lives in warm waters like the tropics
- Unable to be kept in captivity due to it’s feeding habits
Like other sea creatures their reproduction organs are the same in male and female. After mating they both produce egg strings. While other nudibranchs mate with their right sides facing, these creatures mate with the ventral side facing.
With gas filled stomachs these sea swallows float to the surface, Because of the location of the gas sac the Blue dragons float on their back,
Giving the chance these creatures would resort to cannibalism. These will feed on the most venomous nematocysts to store for their own use. The venom is collected in specialized sacs, located on the feather like fins on their body. The more concentrated the venom, more powerful and deadly the sting can be.
“Zoe” Rare White Zebra
Fact sheet
- She’s not albino she has a rare condition called “Amelanosis”
- There are only two other known cases for this condition in Zebra, and both were in captivity
- Zoe was Born on September 16, 1998 and lives on a farm
- She’s extremely rare
- Highly Social
- She resides at a ranch called Three ring ranch
- Her diet is strictly Vegetarian
- She’s Prone to sunburns
Like other Zebra’s Zoe loves to play and is a herding animal she stays in a group and is very social. She has a family of Zebras on the farm she was raised at. She is a sweet Zebra that loves to play with her baby sister. At one point her mother wouldn’t let Zoe near her little sister and it made Zoe very upset. The nights would be sad because she was in a different paddocks. Although they could see each other these animals are very social.
Zoe has some health problems but none that has surfaced just yet except for her having poor vision at night. She seems to be pretty healthy for the health problems she could face with her rare condition.
Although the name is Panda Ant , it’s actually a species of wasp. The females don’t have wings which in turn make them look like ants. These species of Wasp are different then the others because they don’t have queens, workers or drones.
They have and extremely painful stringer
The weird, The Beautiful and Exotic Animals in the world!
List of amazing animals
Have you ever came across a rare and unusual animal that you’ve never seen before but captures your sight?
I took the time to make a list of those animals along with facts and a summery of these animals, I am a huge animal lover and even if the animal is exotic or just a house pet I love them. I believe each animal has a purpose in our world and we can learn so much from them. These animals I list some that are house pets and others that are exotic, are amazing to me. The wild animals although, should stay in the wild where they belong because they are wild; but we can admire them from a far.
You hear so much people taking animals away from their natural habitat and using them for their own desires and wants. I don’t agree with that practice. It’s sad when animals are ripped away from the only life they know. I only hope people can come to understand one day that those animals are only meant to live in the wild
I hope you enjoy my list, this is a list I made for fun and for those of you that read this list I hope you enjoy it and please comment at the bottom. Also take the quiz on the page after reading my article.
Bush Viper

Main Facts About the Viper
- Venom Type: Hemotoxic
- Length: At Birth: 6-8 inches Adult: 18-30 inches
- Range: Central Africa (Eastern Democratic Republic Of Congo) From north to Southern Uganda and Northwestern Tanzania
- Genus: Atheris
- Family: Viperidae
- Behavior: Arboreal
- Habitat: Rainforest Far from Human activity
- Reproduction: Mating in September-November, Birth to live young between March and April
Extra Facts
- The female Viper is Larger then the male Viper
- They eat Birds, Mammals and other reptiles
- The Young are born with venom and are responsible for their own food
- Their Growth is indeterminate, But as they grow older their growth slows down
- Most vipers live about 10 to 20 years
Summary Facts
Atheris is a genus of venomous vipers found only in tropical subsaharan Africa, excluding southern Africa. Confined to rain forest areas, many members have isolated and fragmented distributions. In an interesting example of convergent evolution, they show many similarities to the arboreal pit vipers of Asia and South America. Ten species are currently recognized.